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Welcome to #ASABE24!

A Message from the President


Welcome to the Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.  

I’m very glad you are here, and I hope you will take advantage of the great tours, professional development opportunities, technical sessions, technical committee and community meetings, socials and networking activities while you are here. 

ASABE member leaders, volunteers, and staff have done a great job of planning and creating opportunities for all of us to engage in our communities, as we reconnect with old friends and meet new friends, learn from each other, and celebrate positive and disruptive engineering achievements in agricultural and biological engineering and technology.

Thank you for joining us this week. I truly hope you will enjoy the great activities and take away some new ideas and inspiration to continue disrupting for good, developing engineering solutions to improve quality of life for our local and global communities.

- Dana Osborne Porter, P.E., 2023-2024 President of ASABE

Be sure to let us know your opinions about this year's meeting. Go to the 24 AIM Survey to submit your feedback. 

Looking for the recorded videos and sessions? Here is the list of presentations and sessions that are available to watch on-demand. Find the session in the schedule under the day that they take place.
Lightning Sessions will have individually recorded presentations within the session details for viewing before the session takes place.  
111 Connectivity, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things in Ag and Nat. Resources-LIGHTNING TALKS
129 AI-Driven Tools and Technologies for High Throughput Phenotyping-LIGHTNING TALKS
202 Innovation & Integration in Education-LIGHTNING TALKS
210 Spectroscopic Sensing for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Commodities-LIGHTNING TALKS
230 Machine Vision for Precision Agriculture and Robotics-LIGHTNING TALKS
241 Nutrient Removal, Recovery, and Recycle: Manure and Wastewater Treatment-LIGHTNING TALKS
246 Precision (SMART) Animal Management-LIGHTNING TALKS
321 Machine Vision Applications in Agriculture-LIGHTNING TALKS
325 Advancements in Water Resource Management: Insights from Global Perspectives-LIGHTNING TALKS
326 Advances in Agrohydrological Sustainability through Modeling and UAS Tools-LIGHTNING TALKS
327 Advances in Irrigation Management-LIGHTNING TALKS

Recorded Sessions will be available on demand no sooner than 2 hours have the end of the scheduled live session.
125 Exploring Safety in the Era of Autonomous Agriculture-HYBRID
126 Biomass Preprocessing and Logistics for Biofuels and Bioproducts

203 Current Achievements and New R&D Trends in Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies-GUEST SPEAKERS
207 Imaging Technologies for High Throughput Phenotyping
223 Drying, Handling, Storage of Grain Crop
224 Next Generation BAE Programs: What Does BAE look like in 2030?-PANEL
228 Analytical, Computational and Instrumentation Advances for Biosensing
236 Advances in Irrigation Management: Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies

301 The Opportunities for Collaboration between ASABE and NIOSH-Funded Centers-HYBRID
307 New Methods in AI & Machine Learning for Agriculture & Natural Resources
312 Extension-Empowering our Stakeholder through New Technologies
314 Nutrient Transport and Cycling: Modeling
317 Biochemical Conversion and Bioprocess Modeling
320 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Biofuels and Bioproducts
328 Erosion Control Research
330 Monitoring Standards: Applications, Methods and Technologies-HYBRID
332 Measurement, Mitigation and Modeling of Air Pollution from Livestock and Poultry Facilities